
One of my favorite broadway plays off of this list is “Fifty Percent”, performed by Barbara
Streisand. The story features a woman who is having an affair with a married man, so she
doesn’t have 100% of him. In the broadway, Streisand’s husband plays the role of the married
man, creating a greater sense of love between the two. The orchestra backs Streisand’s singing,
almost reverberating the sound of her voice. This creates a heavenly effect to her voice, creating
an even more emotional piece.
Another one of my favorite broadway plays off of this list is performed by Michael Buble. In this video,
Buble performs “Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas”. This is one of my favorite broadway plays,
because of the christmas-y aura it has to it. Michael Buble’s voice and songs are very well known; most
people who celebrate Christmas or are familiar with today’s music know  “It’s Beginning To Look Alot
Like Christmas”. Michael Buble’s performance in this video is very uplifting, and the orchestra behind
him creates even more of a jolly mood.


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