21st Century Technology

A technology newly introduced in the 21st century is drones, specifically drones that can
carry camera equipment like gopros. I have been interested in drones for quite some time now,
due to their versatility, clarity, and simply the things that they can do compared to older equipment.
In the past, movie and video makers would have to use an arrangement of cords, camera sliders
and camera attachments to get a simple panning shot of movement. Nowadays, with the help of
drones, the same professional shot can be taken with much more ease. A drone can achieve this
by stably swaying whichever way you decide, all controllable from a little hand-held remote.
The camera quality achievable by these drones is incredible, being able to capture 4k video
with something as small as a go-pro. Here are two youtube links showing the power that these
camera drones have;


This technology could be used for many things besides simply entertainment. A couple years ago,
Amazon promised to implement the use of drones to deliver packages. Although it hasn’t come
into effect yet, it is still a possibility in the future. In terms of new technologies we have not
heard of, maybe there could be drones that fly through cities and keep watch over crime. The
military can, and probably will, use drones to spy on enemies without sending over soldiers. If
they were to attach something like an infrared camera, enemy forces would be highlighted in the
image. If drones were made even bigger, they could be used for medical purposes. If they were
big enough to hold a person, the military could use them to pick up wounded soldiers who are in
dangerous territory, and transport them to a safer zone. This idea would have to implement other
technologies that would pick up the person, and remotely strap them in securely. The
possibilities of how drones could help our society are endless, past just from an entertainment


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